Nechville (USA) Aries Custom 5-String Banjo
Ein hervorragendes 5-String Banjo von Tom Nechville aus den USA!
Erstaunlich kraftvoll, warm und ausgeglichen klingend!
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- Radiused Neck bound with Curly Maple
- Hand turned Maple Rim
- Quilted Mahagony Resonator
- Copper plated and antiqued Heli-Mount Frame
- Macassar Ebony Fingerboard and Peghead overlay
- Curly Maple with Black/White Stripe
- Spikes on 7,8,9 and 10th fret
- Evo Fret Wire
- Rickard Tuners 10:1 High Ratio Planetary Style Tuners,brass with black buttons
- Pro Tone Ring
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