Traditional Southern Italian Mandolin and Fiddle (Book + Online Audio)

(Book + Online Audio)
ad2ab2b33ee5237893d61c3c1a98fb0d.jpgTraditional Southern Italien Mandolin & Fiddle Tunes
Prix de vente avec réduction
Prix ​​de vente23,95 €
Montant des Taxes1,57 €

The first and foremost Italian mandolin book dedicated to the traditional music from Southern Italy. Written in standard notation and mandolin tablature with guitar and mandolin chord accompaniment, this book introduces the reader to the various authentic folk songs from the regions of Campagnia, Calabria, Puglia, Sicily and Sardinia. With detailed descriptions of the songs and dances, historical and technical information about tarantella and pizzica music, the book will increase the knowledge and repertoire of Italian folk music for both beginners and professional musicians alike.
The book provides an excellent foundation needed to play in the style of the music. With preparatory technical studies, the student will learn the Italian style of tremolo, picking, and rhythms that accentuate the music. Together with the accompanying CD, the student will be able to play along and follow the precise nuances that distinguish the music.

• The first and foremost Italian mandolin book dedicated to the traditional music from Southern Italy.
• Written in standard notation and mandolin tablature, with guitar and mandolin chords
• The reader will learn authentic folk songs, together with historical and technical information about tarantella and pizzica music
• For beginners and professional musicians who want to expand their repertoire of Italian folk music
. The first and foremost comprehensive mandolin book focusing on traditional Southern Italian folk music
• Teaches playing techniques and historical information about the mandolin, tarantella and Italian folk music
• An important asset for beginners to professional musicians interested in expanding their knowledge and repertoire of Italian folk music.



Abballati, Abballati
Alla Carpinese
Alziti Bbella
Antidotum Tarantulae (part 1)
Antidotum Tarantulae (part 2)
Bo e la ri-bo
Cu Ti Lu Dissi
Danza Siciliana
Fasola Siciliana
Figghia di\'n Massaru
Fronni d\'Alia
II Ritornello delle Lavandaie del Vomero
La Ndrezzata
La Palumella
La Procidana
La Sant Allegrezza
La Zita Passa
Motivo di Cantastorie
Pizzicarella Mia
Serenata Amalfitana
Sonos E Memoria
Tarantella dell 600
Tarantella di Ogliastro
Tarantella Nfuocata
Tarantella Paesana
Villanella Ch all Aqua Vai
Vurria Addeventare


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