Solo Banjo - Alan Munde

Alan Munde has long been a major artist in the 5-string banjo world. Here for the first time, is the book and audio download combination of Alan's unaccompanied playing from his popular Solo Banjo project. The book contains entire as-played-by versions with many variations of 12 bluegrass standards and 3 Munde originals including the popular Peaches and Cream in harmony! Includes access to audio online.
Fred's Frolic
Grandfather's Clock
John Henry
Liza Jane
Lonesome Road Blues
Old Joe Clark
Pavan For A Dead Princess Maurice Ravel, Arranged by A. Munde
Peaches and Cream - Harmony
Peaches And Cream - Melody
Prisoner's Song
Put On Your Old Grey Bonnet
Red Wing
Seeing Nellie Home
The French Broad (River Song) A. Munde
The Old Spinning Wheel