Nickel Creek: This Side
This matching folio to Nickel Creeks Alison Krauss-produced sophomore release features note-for-note transcriptions of every instrument and vocal on the albums thirteen bluegrass songs. Includes a cover of Pavements Spit on a Stranger and: Beauty and the Mess, Green and Gray, Hanging by a Thread, I Shouldve Known Better, House Carpenter, Smoothie Song, Speak, This Side, Young and more!
Verkaufspreis inkl. Preisnachlass
Verkaufspreis26,95 €
Steuerbetrag1,76 €
- Beauty And The Mess
- Brand New Sidewalk
- Green And Gray
- Hanging By A Thread
- House Carpenter
- I Should've Known Better
- Sabra Girl
- Seven Wonders
- Smoothie Song
- Speak
- Spit On A Stranger
- This Side
- Young
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