Heitor Villa-Lobos: Mazurka-Choro, No. 1 de la Suite Populaire BrésilienneIsaac Albeniz - 26 Pieces arranged for guitar by Stanley Yates
Irina Kircher & Alfonso Montes: Guitar - Intro 2: The Ensemble Book (incl. CD)
Building Musicianship & Technique Through Ensemble Playing. Composed by Irina Kircher and Alfonso Montes. Wire bound, Technic. Chanterelle. Acoustic Music. Book/2-CD Set. Published by Chanterelle (MB.ECH4102).
Verkaufspreis inkl. Preisnachlass
Verkaufspreis24,90 €
Steuerbetrag1,63 €
Building Musicianship & Technique in Ensemble Work. 70 Enjoyable and Educative Ensemble & Solo Works.
Guitar-Intro is a Three-Book series developed after 20 years of guitar teaching in many different situations by the Montes-Kircher guitar Duo. All books have MP3 CDs Guitar-Intro II - THE ENSEMBLE BOOK is not only the companion volume to volume 1 of the series, it is an extraordinary book of 70 works for 1-5 guitars with the theme building musicianship and technique in ensemble playing. It includes the colour stickers so popular in Volume 1 of the series. Contains a broad palette of original compositions, pop songs, hits from musicals etc. etc., contains 2 practice CDs. Ideal for home or class.
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