Caterina Lichtenberg & Mike Marshall: The Raffaele Calace Method for Mandolin Vol. 2Caterina Lichtenberg: Highlights der romantischen Etüdenliteratur für Mandoline Vol. 1
Caterina Lichtenberg & Mike Marshall: The Raffaele Calace Method for Mandolin Vol. 1
English Edition
Verkaufspreis inkl. Preisnachlass
Verkaufspreis29,90 €
Steuerbetrag1,96 €

The essential treatise from the master of Neopolitan mandolin technique now accessible to the English-speaking student. Volume I: Parts 1, 2, and 3 (Op. 37-39) covers basics of playing, and presents a thorough approach to mastery of the all-important tremolo; demonstrates a variety of pick strokes; contains an in-depth exploration of 22 dynamic, rhythmic, and other musical notations, both general and including techniques specific to the Neopolitan classical style; and provides a meticulous study of the first five fretboard playing positions, including chromatic and scale studies in all keys. Coil-bound. Notation only. 108 pp.
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