The Complete Ukulele Method: Beginning Ukulele mit DVD

Perfect for beginning ukulelists as well as players who want to enhance their knowledge, this book and video teaches everything you need to know to get started on the ukulele, including chords, strumming, picking, basic music theory, and reading tablature (TAB) and standard music notation. Guitarists wanting to expand their musical horizons will also find this to be the perfect introduction to playing the ukulele. The book features lots of fun songs in a variety of styles, including rock, blues, Hawaiian, fiddle tunes, and fingerstyle. The companion video, on DVD and online, features friendly, easy-to-understand explanations and demonstrations by GRAMMY® Award-winning ukulelist Daniel Ho. With practice tips and other important advice for the beginning ukulelist, Beginning Ukulele is the most thorough method available for beginning ukulele students.
CHAPTER 1---Getting Started
Lesson 1: Know Your Uke
Lesson 2: Reading Tablature
Mary Had a Border Collie
Lesson 3: The Notes on the Fretboard
CHAPTER 2---Strum, Strum, Strum
Lesson 1: Your First Chords
Lesson 2: Changing Chords
Lesson 3: Play Some Real Songs
Oh! Susanna
When the Saints Go Marching In
Lesson 4: Spice Up Your Strumming
Lesson 5: More Chords More Chords
My Dear, Dear Mama from Madeira
Wai O Ke Aniani (Crystal Water)
Lesson 6: Minor Chords
It's Only a Minor Inconvenience
Lesson 7: Waltz Time 3/4
Amazing Grace
Lesson 8: Right-Hand Tools and Techniques
CHAPTER 3---Reading Standard Music Notation
Lesson 1: The Notes and the Staff
Lesson 2: The Natural Notes on the 3rd and 2nd Strings
Lesson 3: Time
Go Tell Aunt Rhody
Lesson 4: Rests
Lesson 5: Dotted Half Notes
When the Saints Go Marching In
Lesson 6: Natural Notes on the 1st String
Lesson 7: The C Major Scale
Lesson 8: Eighth Notes (Of Course)
Lesson 9: Dotted Quarter Notes
Ode to Joy
Lesson 10: Sharps and Flats
Raised by Gypsies
Lesson 11: Accidentals in a Key Signature
Red River Valley
Lesson 12: Ties
King on the Beach
Lesson 13: Navigating a Musical Map
CHAPTER 4---Theory Without Fear, or a Little Knowledge Can Get You Jamming
Lesson 1: The Major Scale Is Your Measuring Stick
Lesson 2: The Circle of 5ths
Lesson 3: Intervals Are Your Building Blocks
Lesson 4: Harmony and Chords
CHAPTER 5---Old-Time Ukulele and Backing Up Fiddle Tunes
Lesson 1: Strum Patterns and a Tune in G
This Hammer's Too Heavy
Lesson 2: Accenting the Backbeat, the E and E7 Chords, and Sally Ann in A
Sally Ann
Lesson 3: Fiddle Tune Form and Soldier's Joy in D
Soldier's Joy
CHAPTER 6---Old School: The Swingin' Ukulele
Lesson 1: How to Swing
Lesson 2: Sixes and Sevens and Chords
Lesson 3: The Circle of 5ths Progression
How Will I Ever Learn to Charleston if I Can't Even Tie My Own Shoes?
Lesson 4: The Triple Strum
The Secret Handshake Rag
Lesson 5: The Triple Burst Strum
Hitch in My Git-Along Rag
CHAPTER 7---Rocking Out the Uke
Lesson 1: The Syncopated Strum
My Feet Hurt (Oy! Sole Blisters!)
Autoharp Sale (Replace Old Zithers!)
Dreams of Summer on a Gloomy Day (Haze, Cold, Misters)
Lesson 2: Adding Percussion with Mute Strokes
Lesson 3: Moveable Chord Forms, or How I Learned to Be My Own Chord Dictionary
In My Spare Time with No Money Down!
Lesson 4: Using Moveable Chords, Left-Hand Mute Strokes, Reggae, and Soul
Who Wants a Cool Beverage?
Uke Got Soul
CHAPTER 8---Taking It Home: Island Style
Aloha 'Oe
Lesson 1: New Strums
Hula for Ho'opi'i
CHAPTER 9---Ukulele Blues
Lesson 1: The 12-Bar Blues
Lesson 2: Memorizing the 12-Bar Blues
Lesson 3: The Blues Shuffle Rhythm
Shufflin' Through the Blues in A
Lesson 4: The Minor Pentatonic Scale
Lesson 5: Transposition
Lesson 6: Transposing the Blues and the Minor Pentatonic Scale
12-Bar Blues in C (A Bouncy C!)
Lesson 7: Blues in a Minor Key
Nunmoor Blues: A 12-Bar Blues in A Minor
CHAPTER 10---Introduction to Fingerstyle
Lesson 1: The Right-Hand Position
Lesson 2: Arpeggio Pattern T-i-m-a
Lesson 3: Middle and Ring Fingers Together
Lesson 4: Fingerpicking in 3/4
Lesson 5: Alternating-Thumb Pattern T-i-T-m
CHAPTER 11---Getting Ready for the Next Level
Musical Expression
APPENDIX A--How to Practice
Low-G Tuning