Brad Leftwich - Old-Time Fiddle Round Peak Style
Traditional Southern old-time fiddling from the world-renowned Round Peak area of the Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, focusing on the style and repertoire of master fiddler Tommy Jarrell (1901 - 1985). Author Brad Leftwich, himself an acclaimed fiddler who learned the music in person from Jarrell, presents detailed, accurate transcriptions of 83 tunes (the bulk of Jarrell's repertoire) both in standard music notation and fiddle tablature, along with interesting anecdotal information relating to each tune. All of the tunes are included on the accompanying CD as transcribed, played solo at a moderate tempo to facilitate learning. Helpful stylistic tips and important background information on the area and the music, along with biographical information on Jarrell and many of the musicians from whom he learned, illustrated with many fascinating old photographs.