Acoustic Disc

Founded in 1990 by mandolinist, composer, bandleader and producer extraordinaire David Grisman, Acoustic Disc is an independent record label dedicated to the preservation and integrity of acoustic music, musicians and instruments. Varied releases cover acoustic music of all genres—be it David's own award-winning dawg music, bluegrass, classical, latin, jazz or folk.

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Verkaufspreis inkl. Preisnachlass:
Brutto-Verkaufspreis: 17,01 €
MwSt.-Betrag: 2,72 €

Aranjuez 8 Z

massive Zederndecke, Ostindischer Palisander furniert...

Verkaufspreis inkl. Preisnachlass:
Brutto-Verkaufspreis: 449,00 €
MwSt.-Betrag: 71,69 €
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