Knobloch Actives Classical Guitar Strings SN Nylon Double Silver 400 ADNKnobloch Actives Classical Guitar Strings CX Carbon Double Silver 300ADC
Knobloch Erithacus EDN 34.0 Medium-High
Verkaufspreis inkl. Preisnachlass
Verkaufspreis17,90 €
Steuerbetrag2,86 €
ERITHACUS Double Silver
EDN 34.0 Medium-High Tension
ER Double Silver SN Nylon
Natural · Round Muted · Sonorous
Designed for musicians looking to temper the brightness of their instrument.
Sound Combination:
The natural and round sound of the ER Double Silver basses infuses with the muted yet sonorous sound of the SN Nylon trebles.
Guitarists will find this set accentuates the darker qualities of their instruments.
The result is a homogeneous, warm sound, one of Knobloch’s most opaque combinations.
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